Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who Does God Say That I Am?

In my prayers each night, I have been asking God, "Who am I, and who do You say that I am."  I want God to mold me into who He wants me to be, not who I think I should be.  And I have come to the realization that He wants to change me, and not just my circumstances.

But to be honest with you, I did not always have this mindset, and sometimes it is hard not to want my circumstances to change.  It is easy to pray and ask God to fix whatever issues you may be having.  But it is another thing to ask God to change you.  And on top of that, when He does decide to change you, are you ready to step up to the plate and not hold back?  Many of us would rather stay in our comfort zone--our own little bubble--and not step out in faith. 

How about giving God the chance to do the steering in your life?  Because when God is in control, there is no room for human error.

Are you willing to pray this prayer, and be ready for what He has in store for you?